Our Therapist

Fiona Carson
MA Hons, Dip ESS, MRSS, Dip KA
Marlow Complementary Health Care
Hello my name is Fiona Carson and I have been working as an holistic health practitioner for 20 years, specialising in shiatsu, energy healing and kinesiology. I am fully accredited by the UK Shiatsu Society and the Kinesiology Association.
My mission is to help you feel better on every level, and to support and empower you to re-connect with your body and your deepest levels of self, in order to heal, grow and thrive.
For further info or to book an appointment please visit my website www.fionacarson.com or contact me at ficarson@gmail.com 07958 543320
How can I help you?
Shiatsu can help in a wide range of conditions – from specific injuries to more general symptoms of poor health. Shiatsu is a deeply relaxing, yet invigorating therapy and regular shiatsu can help to prevent the build up of stress in our daily lives.
Kinesiology treats the root cause of a health problem or emotional issue and draws on Eastern and Western holistic health systems. It is amazingly effective and can help with a huge range of health and wellbeing issues.
Some of the main reasons people come to see me are :
What’s involved?
At your first session I will take a detailed case history to develop a complete picture of your health, energy and medical history and discuss how you would like shiatsu or kinesiology to help you.
Shiatsu sessions take approx 1 hour and typically cover the whole body. Treatments take place at floor level on a futon or on a massage table, with the client wearing loose comfortable clothing. I will then use a variety of techniques to improve your energy flow. These may include gentle holding, pressing with palms, thumbs, fingers, elbows, knees and feet on the meridians and , when appropriate more dynamic rotations and stretches.
The first appointment is usually 90 minutes (with 60 minute follow up sessions if necessary) . After taking a detailed case history, kinesiology uses muscle response testing to identify where the the areas of imbalance are in your body and energy system and what it needs to restore and maintain optimum health and wellbeing. A variety of techniques, including lymphatic massage, acupressure points, energy work, nutrition and supplement testing, emotional release, Bach flower remedies etc are used to bring the body back into balance. Kinesiology can help you be the best and healthiest version of yourself.