Prenatal vitamins and multivitamins are for pregnant women or the ones who are trying to get pregnant. Even though a balanced diet can help you get vitamins and minerals. But consuming these multivitamins every day can help your growing baby get all necessary nutrients from you. Taking this can reduce the risk of problems in a baby’s development. Amongst all, folic acid and vitamin D supplements are so important for your baby.
Keep in mind to always check the label!
You can buy these over the counter with or without prescriptions. But it is more recommended if your GP can prescribe you all the required vitamins for consumption according to the dose needed.
Best Vitamins To Take when Pregnant:
All nutrients are important but the following five plays a vital role in the baby’s growth and development during pregnancy:
We should now know more about each supplement and how a pregnant lady is supposed to take them. When to avoid and why is it important and help your baby’s growth.
What is Folic Acid?
The man-made vitamin B supplement is folic acid, which is also termed folate. It is a vitamin that helps your baby’s neural tube grow (which is a part of the baby’s nervous system). Taking this supplement may help reduce the risk of developing spina bifida or any possible condition affecting the baby’s spine and neural tube.
Taking these vitamins before 3 months of getting pregnant is important. And when you get to know about your pregnancy take it as soon as possible for week 12. It is recommended to take 400 micrograms of folic acid each day.
Folic Acid before and during Pregnancy
During pregnancy, it becomes very important to get a balanced diet making sure that some food contains folic acid naturally too.
Food like:
- Green vegetables
- Green beans and green peas
- Oranges
- Chickpea and Brown Rice
- Some breakfast cereals
- Bread
These items contain folic acid so including this type of food is necessary.
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What is Iron?
For healthy red blood cells, Iron is important for a woman and her baby too. Sometimes the problem that arises- termed anaemia in which women become short of red blood cells. In this situation, they may feel very tired due to a lack of energy. And in case you are having twin babies, you would more likely to have iron deficiency. If your report shows anaemic then your GP will prescribe you iron supplements, and if you are not anaemic you would not need to take iron supplements.
By eating a healthy and balanced diet, having food consisting of Iron,
- Red meat, oily fish, eggs
- Green Leafy vegetables
- Fruits, Nuts, and dry fruits (especially Peanuts)
- Bread, cereals
- Beans
These items contain Iron so including this type of food is necessary.
What is Vitamin D?
Vitamin D helps the body’s immune system work. Mostly our body makes vitamin D from sunlight on our skin and is also found in some foods. Probably the amount of vitamin D absorption is different for everyone. Depending upon the skin type, time of day, and year. A pregnant woman should take a 10 microgram supplement each day. Breastfeeding women should take this as well.
In case you do not take these supplements the chances of your baby to be born with soft bones arises. That can even possibly lead to rickets.
Though it is difficult to get vitamin D from food alone, consumption of this food alongside can be helpful. Which includes,
- Eggs
- Red meat
- Milk and Cereals
- Fish
- Fat spreads and non-dairy milk alternatives.
What is Calcium?
Calcium is a mineral that helps a baby’s bones, teeth and muscles and nerves develop and you need to take 1000mg of calcium every day. The proper amount of calcium can be obtained by getting prenatal vitamins along with natural food consisting of calcium.
- Milk, Cheese, Honey
- Orange Juice
- Broccoli
- Soya drinks
- Any food with fortified floor
If you don’t get enough calcium during your pregnancy the chances of a health condition like osteoporosis arises. Because the body would absorb calcium from your bones and give it to your baby.
What is Iodine?
Iodine is a mineral that your body needs to develop thyroid hormones. A pregnant woman would need iodine during pregnancy because that helps the baby’s nervous system develop, also helps the baby move, think, and feel. One needs 220 micrograms of iodine every day. You should take the pregnancy supplements as prescribed by your GP. Although good sources of iodine include,
- Fish
- Milk
- Cheese
- Fortified cereals and bread
- Iodized salt
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